Ease your Mind
Heal your Body
Feed Your Spirit
Alissa offers body work and plant medicine for reconnecting with health.
All the elements sunshine, water, minerals, air and a vast community of actions join in the alchemical creation of a plant. Plants have been feeding us for as long as we have walked the Earth. Carefully crafted over millennia to heal and nourish.
Plant Medicine is more than taking an herb like a pill.
This is about being connected to something bigger than,
yet part of yourself.
The Spirit of the Earth and the Spirit of the Plants we use as medicine can be powerful allies in our healing and finding balance in our lives.
Some specialized massage modalities include: Lymphatic Drainage, CranioSacral Therapy, deep tissue listening and neck pain issues.
Make an appointment with me today.
- Alissa Mulliken, LMT & Founder